ChatGPT is like the left brain. RightBrainAI is like the right brain.

They perfectly complement each other, just like our own brain.

A Diagram for Your Left-Brain

ChatGPT is trained on common associations. Innovation requires also monitoring a second dimension: semantic closeness. Innovation lives among the uncommon associations that are semantically close.

Example: The Rental Car Problem

I needed a rental car by day's end for a short trip and none were available.

What should I do?

ChatGPT and GPT-4 got “fixated” on car. None of its solutions worked for me.

My solution, based on my creativity algorithms:

rental cars and rental vans are uncommon associations, but are semantically close.

RightBrainAI guides GPT-4 to the “sweet spot” of uncommon yet semantically close associations for your problem.

For more examples of overcoming ChatGPT’s limitations to innovation…

Examples from my former site as I complete the move to RightBrainAI